searching for bible paper — writings
piercing taste
you can feel a piercing sound
a piercing glance
a piercing touch
maybe,piercing heart
can you
taste piercing?
Monday August 15 2021
...scarves make me feel delicious
Monday August 17 2021
Death declared its own arrival— I was too afraid to look — party will paint the walls
Monday August 24 2021
Good bread is a sign of a good kitchen.
Monday August 31 2021
Drawing is a way of solving problems
five spider egg cases in a paper envelope
Monday September 7 2021
needle. — Cut and Blow — when did we start treating needles as disposibles? I miss those days when needles blunt and people take time to sharpen them.
Monday September 14 2021
sleepy writing — we pass but never touch — tyranny of organisation
List of potential titles for my works
consider the insignificance of a stamp
Milk, Ellen is my daughter
Spider lines do not obscure the stars
I saw a chicken in the sky, it landed in my eye
pockets are like lingerie
while his terra-cotta rots in the earth
crowded villages in sentences
half-formed, wormed lining
he has a stomach of glass